A note from the Chairman June 2020

Welcome to the Diabetes Group Isle of Wight Magazine.

During the past six months the world has been caught in the grip of the dreaded Covid-19 Virus. Our hearts and thoughts go out to everyone who have sadly been affected. Our special thanks to all our health professionals and essential workers who have continued to working hard to help keep us safe during the pandemic. It will be interesting when the statistics are released to know the actual percentage of people with diabetes who have been infected.

We are aware that patients with chronic illnesses are more prone to viruses such as this. That’s why it is important to make sure that we continue to attend our annual health checks; take heed of the advice given by the health professionals, exercise and try to keep to a healthy diet. In general, it is up to us to make our families and friends understand the importance of staying fit and healthy while living with Diabetes. If you have any experiences you would like to share with our readers please let me know; we can all benefit from each other’s experiences. We hope you enjoy this edition and the ‘new look’ of our magazine which has been re-designed by Lisa.

Take care, stay safe and be aware of others around you.

Ian Bast – Chairman Diabetes Group IOW.