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NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission
Find out more about this new programme being offered to people with type 2 diabetes. NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme
Diabetes Group IOW Issue 7
Click here for the latest issue of our free magazine! Read Issue 7 including two Isle of Wight resident stories as well as three yummy diabetic friendly recipes. Free hard copies of the magazine are going to start being distributed across the island this week.
To encourage people with all types of diabetes to enhance their enjoyment of life.
Our aims.
Provide support and information to people with diabetes, be a platform for discussion and raising awareness of diabetes on the Island. Campaign for excellence in the care of people with diabetes and to provide a voice for them to be heard.
Latest News
Diabetes Group IOW
We're a friendly support group that tries to find answers to you questions about diabetes