Diary of Events

Drop-in events provide an opportunity to meet and discuss diabetes with a member of the Diabetes Group and others in your area. Meeting events are valuable talks by diabetes professionals and provide an opportunity to learn and ask questions.


27nov10:00 am12:00 pmGURNARD - drop in/support groupCoffee Morning - Gurnard


11dec2:00 pm4:00 pmWEST WIGHT - DROP-INDiabetes Support Group

14dec10:30 am12:00 pmRyde drop in/support group (new room)Diabetes Support Group

17dec2:00 pm4:00 pmNo Newport/Central - drop in/support group in DecemberDiabetes Support Group

17dec2:30 pm4:30 pmNewport support group **NEW VENUE & TIME**Diabetes Support Group

19dec1:00 pm3:00 pmNo Ventnor - Drop-in support group DecemberDiabetes Support Group

25dec10:00 am12:00 pmNo GURNARD - drop in/support group in DecemberCoffee Morning - Gurnard